Preguntas frecuentes

How do I delete my account?

1. Go to your profile in the chat history drawer  

2. Select "Manage Account"  

3. Select "Security"  

4. Select "Delete Account" at the bottom of the page

Once an account is deleted it cannot be recovered.

How long does my airdrop claim take?

Airdrop results from Venice points may take up to 24 hours to process, while airdrops earned through crypto community involvement are available immediately.

How do I cancel my Pro subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time, but please note that subscriptions are not eligible for a refund. To cancel, follow these steps:

  1. Open your chat history drawer and locate your username at the bottom.
  2. Click on your username to access the "Account Info" page.
  3. Click "Manage Subscription" to open the billing page.
  4. Select "Cancel subscription" to complete the cancellation process.

You will continue to receive Pro services until the end of your current subscription period.

¿Cómo puedo administrar mi historial de conversaciones e iniciar nuevos chats?
Generación de chat, imágenes y código

Te recomendamos iniciar nuevos chats con regularidad para que tu historial de conversaciones sea manejable. Iniciar nuevos chats puede ayudarte a mantenerte organizado, reducir el desorden y facilitar la búsqueda de mensajes o temas específicos. También ayuda a mejorar el rendimiento y la capacidad de respuesta de Venice. Para iniciar un nuevo chat, simplemente haz clic en el botón «Nuevo chat». También puedes acceder a tus conversaciones anteriores desde el cajón del historial de chat, donde puedes continuar donde las dejaste.

¿Cuánto tiempo pueden durar mis conversaciones en Venecia?
Generación de chat, imágenes y código

Las conversaciones en Venecia están limitadas a 20.000 fichas (sin incluir la carga de archivos) y 50 mensajes por conversación. Esto ayuda a mantener tus conversaciones organizadas y enfocadas, y garantiza un rendimiento y una capacidad de respuesta óptimos.

¿Cómo puedo generar la misma persona, rostro o tema en una imagen?
Generación de chat, imágenes y código

Mantener la misma cara en varias imágenes generadas por IA puede resultar complicado y, a medida que la tecnología siga mejorando y Venice añada más modelos de generación de imágenes, este proceso será más preciso.

Mientras tanto, esta solución alternativa puede ayudarlo a lograr los resultados que busca:

1. Crea un mensaje descriptivo que incluya los detalles del rostro que deseas destacar (cuantos más detalles, mejor; intenta incluir detalles como el color del cabello, la forma de los ojos, la estructura facial y cualquier rasgo distintivo).

2. Seleccione el icono de la imagen para cambiar al modo de generación de imágenes.

3. Pulsa el icono de engranaje para abrir la configuración de generación de imágenes.

4. Desplázate hasta la parte inferior de la página de configuración y haz clic en «Configuración avanzada», donde encontrarás el campo de valor inicial. Introduce un valor inicial aleatorio (p. ej., un valor numérico como 12345678).

5. Genera tu primera imagen con el valor inicial que has introducido.

6. Para crear variaciones con el mismo rostro, mantén el mismo mensaje y cambia la escena, la pose, la ropa o el fondo con el mismo valor inicial.

Para generar nuevas variaciones, cambie el valor inicial y repita el proceso.

¿Por qué recibo respuestas censuradas?
Generación de chat, imágenes y código

En Venice, «sin censura» significa que no se han agregado restricciones adicionales a la formación del modelo más allá de lo que es inherente a los modelos base. Pero esto no significa que «todo vale», ya que cada modelo en sí mismo tiene limitaciones y sesgos. No hay ningún modelo que sea verdaderamente «imparcial», ya que todos han sido creados por el hombre. El objetivo no es eliminar todo sesgo (lo cual es imposible), sino reducirlo y hacer que el sesgo restante sea lo más transparente posible.

Describimos en detalle lo que significa «sin censura» en Venice en este blog.

El sistema maestro Prompt de Venice ha sido diseñado específicamente para fomentar que el modelo sea más abierto. Los mensajes del sistema son instrucciones que se dan al modelo de IA antes de que comience una conversación, lo que determina la forma en que responde. Al experimentar con el sistema Venice, las instrucciones que guían a la IA sobre cómo quieres que responda a ti pueden reducir aún más las respuestas censuradas. Este blog describe cómo usar el indicador del sistema para personalizar aún más sus interacciones con Venice.

¿Por qué recibo errores cuando he alcanzado mi límite de inferencia y no lo he hecho?
Uso de Venice

Si compartes una IP con otros usuarios, es posible que la IP alcance los límites de velocidad. Puedes comprobarlo intentando acceder a Venice utilizando tus datos móviles en lugar de tu conexión a Internet.

¿Cuáles son las longitudes de contexto de los modelos de Venecia?
Modelos Venice AI

Llama 3.2 3B: 120.000 fichas

Llama 3.1 405B: 54.000 fichas

Dolphin 72B: 26.000 fichas

Nous Theta 8B: 6.000 fichas

Qwen 2.5 Coder 32B: 30.000 fichas

¿Cuándo se restablece el límite inmediato?
Uso de Venice

El contador de límites se restablece todos los días a las 12:01 a.m. UTC.

¿Qué hace la función Upscale?
Generación de chat, imágenes y código

Los usuarios profesionales pueden escalar cualquier imagen generada a una resolución extremadamente alta. Haga clic en el botón de escalado para aumentar 4 veces la resolución en cada dimensión; por ejemplo, una imagen cuadrada de 1024 x 1024 se convertirá en 4096 x 4096 píxeles. La ampliación funciona con todos los modelos de imagen y tamaños de resolución, y tarda entre 15 y 45 segundos.

Una vez completada, la imagen grande se descargará directamente a tu dispositivo. Además, Venice pronto te permitirá ampliar *cualquier imagen* que subas.

¿Puedo subir imágenes a Venecia?
Generación de chat, imágenes y código

Venice no permite actualmente la carga de imágenes. Sin embargo, la posibilidad de cargar y personalizar imágenes está en nuestra hoja de ruta a corto plazo.

¿Cómo administro mi suscripción u obtengo los recibos?

Puede administrar su suscripción y obtener los recibos en la Configuración de usuario (a la que se accede haciendo clic en su avatar de usuario).

Usuarios de WalletConnect: ¿Por qué sigo sin cerrar sesión en Venice?

WalletConnect establece un tiempo de espera de 7 días para todas las sesiones iniciadas, lo que significa que los usuarios de Venice que hayan iniciado sesión con WalletConnect se desconectarán de Venice y deberán volver a iniciar sesión cada 7 días. Las sesiones se pueden ampliar en la configuración de la cartera. Ponte en contacto directamente con el proveedor de tu monedero si tienes alguna pregunta.

¿Pueden borrar mis datos?

Todos los datos sobre las indicaciones y las respuestas de la IA se almacenan localmente en su navegador. Los únicos datos que Venice puede tener son su correo electrónico y su dirección IP. Envíe su solicitud para eliminar estos datos por correo electrónico a [email protected].

Para obtener más información sobre nuestro enfoque de la privacidad, consulta esta blog.

¿Cómo cambio la contraseña de mi cuenta?

Visita Introduzca su correo electrónico en el cuadro y haga clic en continuar. En la siguiente pantalla, haz clic en «¿Has olvidado tu contraseña?». A continuación, haga clic en «Restablecer contraseña» y siga las instrucciones.

¿Cómo obtengo acceso gratuito a la cuenta Pro con Morpheus/MOR?

Actualización importante: A partir del 1 de enero de 2025, tener MOR ya no proporcionará acceso Pro.

Planes futuros:
Se espera que Morpheus lance su programa de apuestas con recompensas comunitarias a principios de 2025. En ese momento, consideraremos la posibilidad de habilitar el acceso Pro a los usuarios que apuesten una cantidad de MOR por determinar, en función de la dinámica del mercado y de las apuestas.

Para obtener más información sobre Morpheus, visita

Programa de recomendación de Venice: ¿cómo funciona?
Programa de recomendación de Venice

Venice recompensa a los usuarios con puntos por recomendar a nuevos suscriptores. Solo tienes que compartir tu enlace de recomendación único y recibirás puntos cuando alguien lo utilice para suscribirse a Venice.

La recomendación se considera válida si el usuario recomendado se registra con tu enlace o pasa de ser usuario gratuito a usuario Pro en un plazo de 3 días a partir de la creación de su cuenta.

  • Recompensa para nuevos usuarios gratuitos: 50 puntos
  • Nueva recompensa para usuarios profesionales: 1000 puntos

* Si un usuario gratuito se suscribe a Venice a través de tu enlace y, además, pasa a la versión Pro dentro del período de recomendación de 3 días, recibirás ambas recompensas por recomendación de hasta 1050 puntos.

Los usuarios Pro reciben el doble de puntos de recomendación.

Tu enlace de recomendación único se encuentra en tu configuración de usuario. Haz clic en el icono de tu perfil para ver y compartir tu enlace.

Venice se reserva el derecho de eliminar puntos de cualquier cuenta que considere que ha abusado del programa de recomendación (por ejemplo, al registrar cuentas falsas).

¿Cómo uso mis puntos? ¿Puedo compartir o intercambiar mis puntos?

Los puntos no tienen ninguna utilidad actual, pero permiten a los usuarios realizar un seguimiento de su uso.

Los puntos no pueden intercambiarse ni intercambiarse entre usuarios, ni combinarse ni transferirse a otra cuenta de Venice.

¿Cómo puedo ganar puntos?

Ganas puntos solo por usar Venice.

* Los usuarios Pro ganan el doble de puntos.

¿Qué son los puntos y cuál es su valor?

Los puntos son una forma digital de recompensa que no tiene valor monetario. Los usuarios registrados pueden ganar puntos por determinadas actividades realizadas en la plataforma Venice.

¿Qué tamaño puede analizar Venecia de un documento?
Archivos PDF y TXT

Actualmente, Venice puede revisar documentos de hasta aproximadamente 250 000 caracteres (solo texto). Venice no puede analizar imágenes. Si recibes un error después de subir un documento, es probable que supere el límite actual de Venice.

¿Cómo subo un archivo PDF o TXT?
Archivos PDF y TXT

Venice puede revisar archivos PDF y TXT, y analizar y resumir su contenido. Los documentos deben cargarse primero.

1. En la función Chat, haga clic en el clip situado a la izquierda del campo de entrada del chat.

2. Sube el archivo PDF o TXT.

3. Una vez cargada, escribe las instrucciones para que la modelo las lleve a cabo en el campo de chat.

Actualmente, Venice admite archivos PDF de hasta aproximadamente 22 000 palabras. Venice admitirá la carga de documentos de hasta 500 000 palabras en un futuro próximo.

Tuve una conversación con Venice en un dispositivo y recibí una respuesta diferente a la misma pregunta en otro dispositivo. ¿Por qué?
Generación de chat, imágenes y código

El historial de conversaciones se encuentra localmente en el navegador de tu dispositivo. Al iniciar una conversación en otro dispositivo, Venice no tiene el contexto de la conversación en el otro dispositivo, lo que puede afectar a la respuesta.

¿Qué es el modo Dios? ¿Cómo utilizo los Prompts del sistema?
Generación de chat, imágenes y código

El modo Dios permite modificar las instrucciones del sistema en Venice, lo que te permite indicar a la IA específicamente cómo deseas que interactúe contigo. Lee el Blog de God Mode para obtener consejos útiles sobre cómo refinar sus interacciones con Venice de formas únicas y beneficiosas utilizando indicaciones del sistema personalizadas.

El indicador del sistema le indica a la IA cómo quieres que se comporte. Por ejemplo, puedes enseñarle a hablar como un poeta o académico, solo en el inglés de la reina, o como si fuera un amable ayudante. También puede indicarle lo que no debe hacer ni decir. Las instrucciones rápidas del sistema son ilimitadas, pero es útil ser específico.

Se puede acceder a las instrucciones personalizadas del sistema desde el menú de configuración del chat de Venice. Haga clic en el icono de configuración ubicado en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla y, a continuación, en la configuración del chat. El campo para añadir mensajes personalizados al sistema se encuentra en la parte superior del menú.

¿Cómo desactivar el modo seguro?
Generación de chat, imágenes y código

Los usuarios de cuentas Pro tienen la posibilidad de desactivar el modo seguro durante la generación de imágenes.

El modo seguro se puede desactivar en la configuración de usuario de Venice Image. Haga clic en el icono de configuración ubicado en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla y, a continuación, haga clic en la configuración de la imagen. La configuración del modo seguro se encuentra cerca de la parte inferior del menú.

¿Cómo elimino la marca de agua de Venice en las imágenes?
Generación de chat, imágenes y código

Los usuarios de Venice Pro tienen la posibilidad de eliminar la marca de agua Venice de las imágenes.

La opción para eliminar la marca de agua se encuentra dentro de la configuración de la imagen. Haga clic en el icono de configuración ubicado en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla y, a continuación, haga clic en la configuración de la imagen. El botón con forma de marca de agua se encuentra cerca de la parte inferior del menú.

¿Puedo borrar mi historial de chat?
Generación de chat, imágenes y código

Puedes borrar tu historial de chat con el botón «Borrar historial» del menú Configuración. Este historial solo se guarda y se guardó en su navegador. Venice nunca tiene acceso a ella.

¿Qué debo hacer si el resultado parece completamente incorrecto?
Generación de chat, imágenes y código

Si crees que Venice ha devuelto una respuesta incorrecta, te recomendamos que cambies a un modelo diferente, vuelvas a hacer la consulta, cambies la redacción específica de la consulta y, a continuación, consultes otras fuentes. Cuanto más seria sea tu pregunta, más debes verificarla con otras fuentes.

Venice está conectada a modelos de código abierto que se publicaron en una fecha específica, y desconocen los datos que se produjeron después de esto. Sin embargo, los modelos habilitados para la web, cuando se les solicita información específica en un momento determinado, funcionan mejor con información que depende del tiempo.

¿Algunas respuestas del chat no parecen estar actualizadas?
Generación de chat, imágenes y código

Las respuestas de chat de Venice se generan accediendo a modelos de LLM de código abierto publicados en una fecha determinada. Por lo general, los modelos no tienen información sobre lo que ocurrió después de ese momento, por lo que proporcionarán información diferente a algunas preguntas según el momento en que se publicaron.

El modelo Theta, habilitado para la web, accede a Internet, lo que mejorará la precisión de las preguntas basadas en el tiempo. Recomendamos usar este modelo para las preguntas que requieren información en tiempo real.

¿Todas las salidas son precisas?
Generación de chat, imágenes y código

Los grandes modelos lingüísticos no son máquinas de la verdad. Se basan en la naturaleza probabilística de la generación de texto, y no debe confiar en el resultado como la única fuente de información veraz o fáctica. Los modelos lingüísticos extensos de código abierto a los que Venice accede para responder a tu consulta pueden dar respuestas incorrectas y también pueden generar contenido ofensivo o peligroso. Eres responsable de lo que hagas con estas herramientas.

Es posible que Venice tampoco devuelva necesariamente la misma salida a todos. La plataforma Venice le ofrece la posibilidad de alternar entre modelos. Las respuestas que reciba dependerán del modelo lingüístico que esté utilizando y de varios otros factores, como la redacción específica de la consulta, el contexto proporcionado y la naturaleza evolutiva del propio modelo lingüístico amplio.

Recomendamos usar el modelo Theta habilitado para la web para las preguntas que requieren información en tiempo real.

¿Puedo acceder a mi historial de chat e imágenes en diferentes navegadores?
Generación de chat, imágenes y código

No. Tu historial de chat e imágenes se almacena en tu navegador local.

¿Puedo compartir mi conversación de chat de texto?
Generación de chat, imágenes y código

Sí. Venice puede crear un enlace cifrado a tu conversación de texto.

(Nota: los chats de generación de imágenes aún no se pueden compartir a través de un enlace).

Hay un ícono para compartir ubicado debajo de cada respuesta dentro de una conversación de texto. Al hacer clic en este icono, se generará un enlace para compartir con todas las preguntas y respuestas de la conversación de texto que hay encima. El enlace estará visible durante 14 días.

Cualquier persona a la que envíes este enlace puede ver esa conversación hasta ese momento, pero no verá ninguna parte de la conversación una vez creado el enlace. También podrán seguir interactuando con la IA desde el punto en el que tú la dejaste, y su conversación continua se almacenará en su propio navegador.

Dado que el chat compartido está encriptado por tu dispositivo, Venice nunca podrá descifrar ni leer el texto de tu enlace (a menos que compartas el enlace con nosotros, por supuesto).

**Información importante sobre los enlaces que se pueden compartir: **

  • Venice cifra la conversación en el navegador usando Caja secreta TweetNaCl.js mediante el cifrado de flujo XSalsa20 y el cifrado de autenticación única Poly1305. Esto significa que Venice nunca tendrá acceso al texto legible de tu conversación.
  • Al hacer clic en el icono de compartir, Venice crea un blob cifrado que se carga en el servidor de Venice. A continuación, el servidor de Venice te devuelve una versión cifrada de la conversación almacenada en un enlace que se puede compartir.
  • El enlace que se puede compartir creado contiene las claves de descifrado de la URL. Estas claves nunca se registran ni se almacenan en ningún lugar de la plataforma Venice.
  • Los servidores de Venice no afilian un chat con un usuario y no tienen acceso a la copia en texto plano de los mensajes ni a las claves de cifrado para descifrar los mensajes.
  • Los chats cifrados se almacenan en el servidor durante 2 semanas y luego se eliminan mediante programación.
¿Cómo guardo una conversación de chat?
Generación de chat, imágenes y código

Venice usa su navegador para el almacenamiento local. Si eliminas tu caché, eliminarás tu historial de Venice.  

El historial de chat se almacena localmente en tu navegador y Venice no guarda ninguna copia de este historial. Sin embargo, desde el historial de conversaciones de chat (el cajón de la izquierda de la pantalla) puedes exportar una conversación y descargarla en tu dispositivo, o copiar y pegar tus conversaciones en otro programa para guardarlas fuera de la interfaz de Venice.

También puedes descargar las imágenes que creas.

¿Quién puede acceder a mis datos y revisar mis conversaciones de chat?
Generación de chat, imágenes y código

A diferencia de todas las principales aplicaciones de IA generativa, Venice no ve ni guarda las instrucciones de texto o imagen de los usuarios (ni las respuestas de la IA) en nuestros servidores. Todo el historial de conversaciones solo se almacena de forma local en tu dispositivo. Para obtener más información sobre nuestro enfoque de la privacidad, consulta esto blog.

¿Qué pasa si cambio de modelo en mitad de una conversación?
Modelos Venice AI

Puedes cambiar entre modelos de chat e imagen dentro de la misma conversación. Cambiar el modelo de chat o de imagen (y cambiar entre los modelos de chat e imagen) no restablecerá la conversación. La conversación continuará sin interrupciones hasta que decidas iniciar un nuevo chat.

Las conversaciones anteriores que hayas mantenido se guardan en tu navegador y están disponibles en el cajón, que puedes abrir haciendo clic en la flecha situada a la izquierda de la pantalla.

¿Qué es el Nous Theta (Beta) habilitado para Internet?
Modelos Venice AI

El modelo Nous Theta 8B está habilitado para permitir a Venice acceder a la web para generar respuestas más precisas, relevantes y coherentes a sus solicitudes. Pruebe el modelo con acceso a Internet siempre que desee obtener información que dependa del tiempo.

Los límites de inferencia para los modelos habilitados para la web se aplican de la siguiente manera:

  • Usuarios profesionales: 1000 inferencias de chat diarias habilitadas para la web de un total de 10 000 inferencias de chat diarias permitidas.
  • Usuarios gratuitos: 25 inferencias de chat por día, incluidos los modelos habilitados para la web.
  • Usuarios anónimos: 15 inferencias de chat por día, incluidos los modelos habilitados para la web.

Todos los modelos están disponibles desde la palanca de selección de modelos, a la que se puede acceder desde la configuración de chat ubicada dentro de la configuración de chat principal, accesible en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla.

¿Cómo me cambio a un modelo de IA diferente?
Modelos Venice AI

El selector de modelo está disponible en la configuración de chat o imagen correspondiente, a la que se puede acceder desde el icono de configuración ubicado en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla. Venice brinda acceso a los principales modelos de código abierto, que se actualizarán y cambiarán con el tiempo.

¿Dónde se guardan mi información personal y la conversación de datos?
Uso de Venice

Venice no recopila información de identificación sobre sus usuarios que no sea el correo electrónico y la dirección IP. En su lugar, utiliza el almacenamiento local de su navegador para almacenar la configuración y la información rápida, y estos datos nunca se comparten con los servidores de Venice.

Usos de Venice para procesar su autenticación y para comunicarse con los clientes. En el caso de los usuarios registrados, estas plataformas rastrearán sus credenciales de inicio de sesión, incluida su dirección de correo electrónico, mediante cookies.

  • Empleado - Las cookies del empleado son necesarias para iniciar sesión en Venice. Encontrará más información sobre las cookies de Clerk aquí.
  • - Lo utilizamos para enviar correos electrónicos a los usuarios y para rastrear ciertos eventos, como el inicio de sesión o la generación de puntos. Puede encontrar información sobre las cookies de aquí.
  • Bucles virales - aplicación de listas de espera y referencias de usuarios. Si te has registrado en Venice a través de la función de lista de espera, es posible que se utilicen cookies para rastrear tu correo electrónico y mostrarte tu posición en la lista de espera. Sin embargo, Viral Loops también prefiere usar el almacenamiento local, sobre el que puedes obtener más información aquí.

Venice utiliza el almacenamiento local del navegador, por lo que su contenido puede borrarse en cualquier momento por motivos ajenos a nuestro control. Guarda fuera de Venice el contenido que desees conservar de forma permanente.

Para obtener más información sobre cómo Venice gestiona los datos, consulte nuestra Blog de privacidad, Política de privacidad y Condiciones de uso.

¿Hay algún límite en cuanto a la cantidad de tiempo que puedo usar Venice?
Uso de Venice

Venice tiene tres niveles de usuarios, con diferentes límites:

  • Sin cuenta: límite: 15 mensajes de texto y 5 mensajes de imagen por día.
  • Cuenta gratuita: límite: 25 mensajes de texto y 15 mensajes de imagen por día.
  • Cuenta Pro: límite: mensajes de texto ilimitados y 1000 mensajes de imagen por día.

Estos límites están sujetos a cambios.

Además, existen límites en la cantidad de texto que se puede considerar en un solo chat. Para los usuarios sin cuenta y gratuitos, este límite es de 2000 tokens (aproximadamente 8000 caracteres). Los usuarios Pro pueden acceder a límites de contexto más amplios.

¿Qué idiomas se admiten?
Uso de Venice

Venice es diferente en varios aspectos:

  1. Venice no tiene permiso. Cualquier persona, desde cualquier lugar, puede usar Venice para acceder a la inteligencia artificial de código abierto.
  2. Venice no te espía. La plataforma no graba tu información (excepto el correo electrónico y la dirección IP) y no ve tus conversaciones ni las respuestas. Venice no comparte (ni puede) compartir esta información con otras partes (empresas o gobiernos) porque no la tiene. Toda la infraestructura y el espíritu de Venice están alineados en torno al respeto de la privacidad individual.
  3. Venice no censura las respuestas de la IA. La plataforma se mantiene neutral: no filtra contenido que no sea el modo «Venecia segura» para limitar el contenido para adultos, que las cuentas Pro pueden desactivar. Las empresas centralizadas de inteligencia artificial añaden cantidades sustanciales (y no especificadas) de censura y sesgo a las respuestas. Venice no censura ni sesga las respuestas a petición de políticos o gobiernos. Nuestra infraestructura está configurada para ser neutral y sin permisos. Nota: cada modelo ha sido entrenado por su editor con sus propias reglas y límites. Venice ofrece acceso a varios modelos y los usuarios pueden elegir aquellos con los que se sientan más cómodos.
  4. Todos los modelos de IA de Venice son de código abierto y transparentes. La plataforma le muestra qué modelos se ofrecen y los pesos y diseños de esos modelos se pueden encontrar en línea. Venice ofrece transparencia en su tecnología cuando las empresas centralizadas de IA no pueden ni quieren.
¿Cómo instalo Venice en mi teléfono/tableta?
Uso de Venice
Apple iOS

Debes usar el navegador Safari para añadir Venice a tu pantalla de inicio.

  1. Abrir en Safari en tu dispositivo iOS.
  2. Pulsa el icono «Compartir» en Safari.
  3. Selecciona «Agregar a la pantalla de inicio» de las opciones.
  4. Confirme la instalación pulsando el botón «Añadir».
  1. Abre Chrome, ve a
  2. Toca la configuración (tres puntos), desplázate hacia abajo y selecciona «Instalar aplicación»
  3. Toca «Añadir a la pantalla de inicio»
¿En qué se diferencia Venice de ChatGPT, Claude u otros servicios de IA?
Uso de Venice
  1. Venice no tiene permiso. Cualquier persona, desde cualquier lugar, puede usar Venice para acceder a la inteligencia artificial de código abierto.
  2. Venice no te espía. La plataforma no graba tu información (excepto el correo electrónico y la dirección IP) y no ve tus conversaciones ni las respuestas. Venice no comparte (ni puede) compartir esta información con otras partes (empresas o gobiernos) porque no la tiene. Toda la infraestructura y el espíritu de Venice están alineados en torno al respeto de la privacidad individual.
  3. Venice no censura las respuestas de la IA. La plataforma se mantiene neutral: no filtra contenido que no sea el modo «Venecia segura» para limitar el contenido para adultos, que las cuentas Pro pueden desactivar. Las empresas centralizadas de inteligencia artificial añaden cantidades sustanciales (y no especificadas) de censura y sesgo a las respuestas. Venecia no censura ni sesga las respuestas a petición de políticos o gobiernos. Nuestra infraestructura está configurada para ser neutral y sin permisos. Nota: cada modelo ha sido entrenado por su editor con sus propias reglas y límites. Venice ofrece acceso a varios modelos y los usuarios pueden elegir aquellos con los que se sientan más cómodos.
  4. Todos los modelos de IA de Venice son de código abierto y transparentes. La plataforma le muestra qué modelos se ofrecen y los pesos y diseños de esos modelos se pueden encontrar en línea. Venice ofrece transparencia en su tecnología cuando las empresas centralizadas de IA no pueden ni quieren.
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Using Venice
How is Venice different from ChatGPT, Claude, or other AI services?
  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.

Venice is different in a few ways:  

How do I install Venice on my phone / tablet?
Apple iOS

You must use the Safari browser to add Venice to your Home Screen.

  1. Open in Safari on your iOS device.
  2. Tap the “Share” icon in Safari.
  3. Select “Add to Home Screen” from the options.
  4. Confirm the installation by tapping the “Add” button.
  1. Open Chrome, go to
  2. Tap settings (three dots), scroll down, select “Install app”
  3. Tap “Add to homescreen”
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
Venice AI Models
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
Chat, Image and Code Generation
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
PDF & TXT Files
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
Venice Referral Program
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
What languages are supported?

Venice is different in a few ways:  

  1. Venice is permissionless. Anyone, from anywhere, can use Venice to access open-source machine intelligence.  
  2. Venice doesn’t spy on you. The platform doesn't record any of your info (other than email and IP address), and doesn't see your conversations, or the responses.  Venice doesn’t (and can’t) share any of this information with other parties (corporations or governments) because it doesn’t have it. Venice's entire infrastructure and ethos is aligned around respecting individual privacy.  
  3. Venice doesn’t censor the AI’s responses. The platform remains neutral - it doesn't filter content other than the “Safe Venice” mode to limit adult content, which Pro accounts can turn off. Centralized AI companies add substantial (and unspecified) amounts of censorship and bias to the answers. Venice doesn’t censor or bias answers under the request of politicians/governments. Our infrastructure is set up to be permissionless and neutral.  Note: each model has been trained by its publisher with its own rules and boundaries. Venice provides access to multiple models, and users the ability to choose the ones they’re most comfortable with.  
  4. All AI models on Venice are open-source and transparent. The platform shows you which models are being provided, and the weights/designs of those models can be found online. Venice provides transparency into its technology where centralized AI companies can’t and won’t.
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